Become a Dream Builder

What is Dream Builders?

Dream builders is church membership and partnership reimagined.  It is an official way of recognising, celebrating and honouring greater investment from people who call Sunnyhill ‘home’. The hope is that it realises and releases all the potential seed that already exists within Sunnyhill.

Why is it important?

In a day where commitment and ownership are harder to find, Dream Builders will unashamedly and unapologetically create a vehicle to recognise and celebrate greater investment AND (maybe even more importantly) create a space for more meaningful connection. 

Who is it for?

Anybody can be a Dream Builder as it not by personal invitation but by personal decision. A Dream Builder would be recognised by their investment into the vision and life of the church.  

This happens in 3 significant ways: Praying, serving and sowing into the vision of Sunnyhill.


Dream Builders are the backbone of Sunnyhill. They are the hungriest for the presence of God and as a result, we will encourage them to be praying and fasting at various points of the year.  We will have a dream builder's prayer strategy and agenda that will underwrite the ministry and mission of Sunnyhill.  We will host prayer gatherings that will be for those who are dream builders.  Prayer is key to us building the dream, we need to be praying to the One for the one before we reach the one.   


We will encourage dream builders to serve into the life of Sunnyhill.  We understand that volunteers are crucial to the growth and expansion of Sunnyhill, dream builders know this better than anyone.  They will serve on teams with teams with a CAN DO attitude championing the vision, values and culture of Sunnyhill.  Serving the one for the One is central to our mission so serving is a way of life to a dream builder, not just a Sunday duty.


Dream Builders are the most generous people in Sunnyhill and therefore they are the most blessed people in Sunnyhill.  They tithe faithfully but they are not restricted to a tithe, they go above and beyond in their offerings to ensure that the cause of Christ moves forward.  Giving is a way of life to a dream builder and we know that the dream will not be built without our collective buy in and investment.